Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
Daldridge76, you say you're interested in a TAP-X. If I understand correctly, they're available only as a home build. I know John Chapman and Dave Slagle sell the parts but you have to build it yourself.

Oh, and you HAD to tell me that Job is releasing a preamp, didn't you? You just had to. Thanks.....thanks a lot.
Absolutely you can use it without a preamp of your source has a volume control. Passives work well too. I personally prefer a preamp in front of my amp but if it's temporary, go for it! It will give you time to break in the amp. I feel the amp and preamp combo is more musical to my ear. You will gain detail at the expense of musicality, in my opinion.
From the

More New Jobs are coming

We continue working on new JOB models for 2014, including a preamplifier simple solution. Please keep visiting this website for more information

I'm interested in the Bent Audio's AVC-1 Slagleformer, not the TAP-X. Is the TAP-X better? Yes, I'm aware that these are DIY.

Yes, I just had to mention the Job preamp LOL. I was also looking at the passive preamp from Stellavox, but I can't figure out if they're still in business. Even the U.S. distributor wasn't sure, so who knows.
Daldridge76, I believe the AVC-1 Slagleformer is essentially, the DIY version of the TAP-X. I ASSUME they are the same sonics-wise, but who knows? I'd contact either John or Dave and ask. If you look at the pic of my TAP-X it's pretty much the same as the AVC-1 sans the silver chassis.