Anyone have/ordered the Job 225?

There's almost no consumer impressions of this amp on the internet... but the 6moons review is intriguing.
Joeinid: I originally ran the Job with no preamp, going straight from the dac to the Job and controlling volume in PurMusic. I had an issue (not related the the original hum/buzz of the Job), with PureMusic's volume at low levels so I took the Job out and used the Wyred integrated. Durring this time I thought about what preamp to get, TVC,AVC,LDR etc. After months I finally decided on the Lightspeed Attenuator. I had one about one year ago and sold it because I went to the integrated. Anyway, after waiting for four weeks, I still hadn't received the LSA. I just got back this morning from a five day stay in Vegas. I told my neighbor to look out for a package for me. I'm going to his house right now to see if it came. When I put the preamp and the Job back in the system, I will surely let you and the rest of the community know!

Just before I left for Vegas my new Synergistic Research Element Tungsten SE power cord arrived. I will put that on the Job 225.
Thanks for reminding me Joeinid. Well, the Job is fitting in VERY nicely with the rest of the system which now includes the Lightspeed attenuator which FINALLY arrived. The Job along with the LSA is MILES ahead of the Wyred integrated I had and pretty much every other amp/preamp combo I've had over the years. Most impressive with the LSA/Job is the air and transparency I'm getting. To hear the "air" around a singer's voice or musician's trumpet for example, is astonishing. The LSA/Job sound very CLEAN. Midrange is nice, but I"m experimenting with different interconnects to get something "warm" and lush (Grover Huffman and Audiotruth). The upper midrange and highs are magnificent. No complaints in that area whatsoever. The LSA/Job have a very nice, deep and wide soundstage. I thought the bass on the Wyred integrated was amazing (and it still is frankly), but with the Job the bass is so much tighter, faster and more articulte than the Wyred or any other amp I've had for that matter. What I thought was tight and fast on the Wyred is actually fat and "bloaty" when comparing it to the Job.

Overall I'm pleased with the Job. My initial bad luck with the Job regarding the buzz/humm issue left me with a bad taste in my mouth but I must say, I'm finding the popular opinion on this amp to be all true. I can't believe sound quality like this is available for $1,500.

I just put on a brand new Synergistic Research Element Tungsten power cord on the Job 225. I haven't experimented with different tuning bullets yet other than the "warm" black one. I will update system soon.

How's your's doing? Any thoughts now that you've had it for a while?