Amps to use with Von Schweikert VR4jr's

I'm curious what owners of these speakers are driving them with. I currently use a Gamut D200, and am wondering what others I might consider. For example, the Pass amps . Anyone got any suggestions as to what they have found to be a great combo?

Carl, it really depends on what you like in am amp. For example, do you prefere a darkly light sound stage or a bright one. Do you prefer body to transparency or vice versa (I often find there is a trade off between the two). Also, what types of music do you listen two? I would suggest that you try a Musician III (I am a big fan), but I hesitate to do so until I know what you like in amps. For example I love the Spectrons, but others don't. I know why they don't (some people realy like what tubes and class A amps have to offer), but I find it often comes down to personal preference.
I agree with the above. The VR-4jr is an excellent speaker and up to the task of working with just about any amp--it's also very neutral (which helps a lot). I've heard them with $20k worth of integrated tube, and at first thought that was kind of overkill--but the VR-4jr brought out all the glory this integrated.
Drhst20, Thanks for the response. I guess what I am looking for is to try an amp with more slam factor, but one that still retains the great sonics of my Gamut. It is a tad light in the bottom, I believe. Unfortunately, my isolated location precludes auditioning much in the way of quality amos, so my only solution is to rely on info I can gather from listeners and then look for used pieces to try. Buying new , then not being happy and selling for a large loss, is just not feasible.The minor cost of buying used and reselling quickly if it's not what I want are basically the cost of not being near a major center.

I had an ARC 100 MK 2 before the Gamut, and it was very similiar in sonics to my ears. The VR4jr's relaced a set of Thiel 2.3's, which aside from a slightly hot high end I very much enjoyed.
I am looking for crystal clear voices, as I tend toward female vocalists, good dynamics, tight bass, (this feels like a comment on the centerfold in Playboy!!).

Bottom line, like all of us, I want the emotional involvement of live music, or as close as I can get given budget restraints.

BTW, Dan, nice system!!

Thanks for the input.
Next much are you looking at spending??? Sorry, I should have asked that before!!!