Listening habits

I am just wondering what the listening habits of some other audiophiles is. How many days in the last 30 days did you listen to your system? What was the average time that you listened for? How loud was your stereo?

for me...the average is 20 days, 2 hours, medium to loud levels.
for me it's pretty much every day for a least an hour, but usually 3-4, and sometimes more. I have a second system in my office that is on except when I am in a meeting. Volumes are medium to loud, depending on circumstance.
three times a week, 90 mins ea., 60-72dB SPL. I listen to my headphone rig and check the A'gon and AA forums MUCH MORE often than I listen to music on the big rig.
Every day I'm home, between 1 and 3 hours during the week, longer on weekends. Usually moderate levels, but louder when possible.