Where has the respect gone?

I have a middle of the road audio system. I built my own speakers with a Seas Odim kit, a Rogue 99 mag., a Esoteric DV-50, built my own 200 watt power amp, BPT 3.5 Signature Plus, upgraded Sansui TU-717, Revelation Audio Labs Testament speaker wire, HMS rca's and power cords and Virtual Dynamics Testament power cord and Soundstrings rca's too! I have many other pieces I am working on and trying to sell but I have started to notice a trend in some Audiogon members. It is kinda getting like other internet selling places, where there is no respect for each other. I am like everyone else and that I want the best deal but I try to be respectful to the seller or buyer. I have probably not been that to all and for that I am sorry and I ask your forgiveness. It seems like lately things are starting to change and I do not believe it is necessary to change. I have not been a member from the first but it makes no difference if I was the first member or the last member, just sign in we need to have respect for each other. I hate to see Audiogon turn into what some of the others are in lying and cheating for a dollar or just being rude. Let us all remember to respect the other person and let this stay a fun job, hobby or whatever it my be to you! Remember it starts with us all!

While there are a few bad apples here and there on Audiogon, I've been impressed by the respect, helpfulness of other members in threads and in transactions. Yes, lets point out and banish those who use profanity, excessively rude or just plain dishonest, but let's also acknowledge how well the community works. I'm continually impressed by the integrity of this online group.
I think the digital people tend to be harder and edgier, while tha analog folks seem softer and more forgiving...
Unfortunately, life is entirely made up of varying degrees of good and bad, and that includes Agon.

The upshot? There seems to be much more good here than bad. Loads of knowledge, experience and camaraderie.

Yes, there are some knuckleheads, disruptors and detractors, but by and large, I feel like it has been worth my time to hang out here. Besides, the price of admission is pretty reasonable, don't you think?
Ezekiel, thanks for your post on this topic. It is valuable to consider. Spates of rudeness in the Audiogon forum threads seem to come and go, but usually the conversation here seems to me much more civil and respectful of others than some other places on the web. And I think that is because, largely, people posting here maintain a high degree of respect for each other when crafting their responses. It is not always the case, and sometimes a thread will totally degenerate.

The key to maintaining civility, in my opinion, lies with each of us who participate on Audiogon. I think we have a shared obligation to step in and "name it" when conversation becomes disrespectful of others or when personal attacks start up: to point out the inappropriate behavior specifically, describe why it is inappropriate and ask that it stop. Each time any one of us avoids doing that, we give license for that poor behavior to continue and to draw others in.

None of us should be "the forum police," but I value the comraderie and respect for each other that exists most of the time here on Audiogon. So, over time I've decided to be willing to step into conversations to name bad behavior that I think is destructive of this thing I value. And I've been pleased to see others join in doing so as well. (Lugnut: I think you and I may have different takes on the resolution of the interactions you describe, but I agree it all seems far better in recent weeks and I hope it will continue on this more civil basis.)

As you said so well:
"Let us all remember to respect the other person and let this stay a fun job, hobby or whatever it my be to you! Remember it starts with us all!"
To which I would just add, don't turn aside from the hard work of pointing out behavior that consistently is not civil or not respectful others, because the quality of the forums is up to all of us.
Nicely put, by one of the most polite, honest people I have ever had the pleasure to deal with.

I agree with the people above who said kill them with kindness and they will eventually leave, or be weeded out.
