Zaikesman's Username Pronunciation Field Guide

OK, here's the deal: It's pronounced "Zikes'mn", not "Zakes-man" (accent on the first syllable with a long "i" and silent "a", the second syllable with a schwa "a"). Preferred 'nick-username' is Zaikes (rhymes with 'yikes').

Anybody else out there with a username having ambiguous/obscure correct pronunciation (you know who you are), here's your big chance to set us all straight!

(And the rest of you stop snickering :-)
My last name, Dautch, rhymes with "couch." People on and off AudiogoN get that wrong all the time. And I apologize, Zaikes, for mispronouncing your name in my head when I read your posts!
A rose by any other name.....well, you know.

Like Wojciehowicz on Barney Miller, mine is pronounced just like it's spelled.

Anyway, there are four members in my nuclear (pronounced NOOK-lee-er) family and we are all New York Yankee fans (shielding my head and shoulders from raining blows). 4yanx is also the license plate number of one of my cars because, surprisingly, 4yanks was already taken. Thus the "x" in place of the "ks". I hesitate to post this given the illogical nature of sports fan rivalries, but better risking that than leaving up in the air the more lurid connotations of "yanx" about which I've been asked and about which it would take many more than four... :-)

Besides, is there a more commonly boring name than David?

Jond is pronounced J-O-N-D. It stands for my name, Jon Daniels. Hey Gunbei, doesn't your name mean "bottoms up" in Chinese?
Kan Pi is Japanese for "cheers or bottoms up" I have no idea if I spelled it right though. Maybe other Oriental languages as well.

Distortion is a name I have used many times for a number of years as my user name. The audio implications didnt really dawn on me until later.
Dautch - your response reminds me of a guitar player from Milwaukee named Greg Koch. Most people want to pronounce his name "cock". His record label is "Rhymes With Chalk Records".

My username "jdombrow" is derived from "Jim Dombrowski" and shows little imagination. It's difficult to spell phonetically, but when pronounced properly it sounds like my grandfather coughing up phlegm in the morning.

Actually, it's pronounced just like it's spelled: