What do you think about this ?

Do you think this member deserves a negative feedback ?

I've an add running to sell some speaker cable and this one member emailed me the first day I put the ad saying, I'll but right now if you accept my offer, I accept and emailed back to him and did not get any reply.
I got a new email from him today after 15 days saying , I'll but the cables if you accept this price, I accept and email back to him and I don't get a reply at all.

How do I stop this nonsense ? Should I leave a negative feedback ? Appreciate your opinion.
I sympathize with your situation however you can only leave feedback for a member if a transaction has taken place. Perhaps you should stop replying to this person. Move on and wait for a more reliable purchaser that doesn't play games.
Consider the possibility that your replies haven't gotten through to him for some reason. I've had e-mail problems at times, and fortunately the other parties gave me the benefit of the doubt.

You might try e-mailing him with the "Request Read Receipt" option activated. If you have Outlook Express, as you compose the e-mail to him, click on "Tools" in the message taskbar, then select "Request Read Receipt". Assuming he doesn't block sending you a receipt, this will let you know he's getting your replies.
I can try "request read receipt". But I've read his feedback, he got some neutral feedback for not responding and playing games.
I emailed him more than once but no response. I guess as Lak says, move on and ignore him.