Redwiki - About racks, shelves...

Reading your Neuance thread peaked my interst with racks, shelves and footers and if you don't mind I would like your opinion on my setup. RACK> Lovan (lead-filled) triangle rack
with custom 1/2" glass shelves supported on hard rubber footers on rack. TOP SHELF> 3cm polished granite rests o (3) aluminum TipToes with rubber (on flat bottom) between cones & granite. Cone points sit into dimples of each rack post. Another 3cm granite shelf - with (5) Vibrapods between - sits on top of the first granite shelf. VAC TRIODE AMP> Rests on top of top shelf. Stock footers have been replaced with Vibrapods screwed into the amp, Vibrapods sit on B.D.R. "ThoseThings" bases (only). DDS.PRO TRANSPORT> Bright Star Audio Big Rock platform sits on glass shelf, another 1/2" glass base rest on the Big Rock with Vibrapods between. Transport rests on glass base w/stock footers. M.P.S. (power supply) / DAC> M.P.S. rests on 1/2" glass shelf with Vibrapod footers. Dac sits on M.P.S. with down-pointed B.D.R. cones between. 10 lb. lead bar rest on dac. PASSIVE LINE ATTENUATOR> Sits atop 150 lb. concrete Inoic column. Vibrapods between column & Bubinga 2" (hardwood) base. Down-pointed B.D.R. cones between wood & passive. VPI brick sits on top. SILVERLINE SONATINA SPEAKERS> Rests on 24x12x4"
polished granite platforms. Stock footers replaced by up-pointed Poly Crystal cones which sit on 3x3x1/2" Ebony. SHUNYATA HYDRA PLC> Rests on 15x13x6" polished granite with down-pointed B.D.R. cones. R. Crump suggested i dump the "kitty box" and replce w/Maple platform. The Neuance bases look intersting an alternative. While still evaluating the Hydra's contribution (burn-in process) - I'm looking for a more open, neutral sound with less additive devices to color the presentation., thus considering re-evaluating my set-up.
Whats ya think? Thanks in advance. Reference system: http://

Rushton...that's my rack! I can vouch for it's effectiveness, but, some tweaking still helps. I use a Cambridge Audio Isomagic Isolation Platform under the turntable, and EAR Feet on the rest of the gear. Solid rack, looks good too. Jeff
Thanks, Jeffloistarca. A dealer I work with recommended the Atlantis rack to me after I mentioned to him an interest in the Arcici Suspense rack. His recommendation is that the Atlantic is effective for a lot lower investment. I'm curious as to whether the Neuance shelving could be custom ordered to replace one or more of the shelves and whether the shelf support spikes in the Atlantis would support the Neuance. Redkiwi has been so enthusiastic about the light/rigid/damped method with Neuance, I'm tinking about trying that approach with the appropriate rack.
Rushton: I had the Neunance shelves custom made for my Studio Tech rack with no difficulty (each shelf has eight sides to it as the corners are "snipped" off). I have had them quite a while but just got around to installing them earlier this week. I will need a month or so to audition them (due to additional system changes), but love what they do so far. I discussed my rack with Ken at Neuance and sent then a crude paper template to go by (just to avoid any communication errors), the shelves are a perfect fit.
Hi Rushton. They look beautifully made but perhaps kinda heavy to me, but hard to tell from a picture. But any weight in them will pay off in extra rigidity since it is all welded steel, so I have no reason to doubt they would do the job well, particularly with heavy components. I like the Mana racks, but they are pretty expensive, particularly when you are not going to use their special damped glass shelves. I reckon the most important issues are welded steel of sufficient guage (where the Atlantis certainly qualifies), spiked up and down, not filled with anything, and using one rack for each component. The last point is very beneficial, which I proved to myself recently. It may not be practical for everyone, but I have one rack for my CD Player (which has volume control), and one each for my monoblocks. The sound is definitely better than when all components are in one rack.
Has anyone tried perspex shelves? Also, Red, other than rack/piece of equip. is there an optimum height of racks in your experience.