New Guy asking for help

Need advise: Which is best for my budget, this or that? And is it better to use these with that or those with this? Or would you guys suggest the other way around? Also, I have the usual size room with a ceiling. Should that or this go on one side or on the other? Please be advice!
Oh--I think Nrchy has best asvise; maybe next time I'll be better advice... :)
1. The one you can't afford is best for your budget...
2. Don't ever use any of those with these or the others...
3. Never put things the other way around, particularly if they should be upside down...
4. Enlarge your room and remove the ceiling to obtain the most open, airy sound...
5. Build a dome home, so it won't matter which side you put it on...

Hope this helps.
We can't help you unless you give us the specifics of your most recent blood and urine tests. Then we'll be able to tell you exactly what to do because we are audio gods and we, not you, have all the answers. In the meantime, try changing your diet.
I take it from your post that there is currently no music in the house and that the amps are still out for repairs/mods.

Other than taking long elevator rides @ Neimen-Marcus and endlessly browsing Amoeba (in order to catch some tunes) you could always drive out to Whittier BLVD. and listen to the car stereo's.
thanks guys! I'm starting to get a handle on this and that from your advise here and there and it seems the bottom line is i have to rethink everything. or did i miss something?