Classic Rock Fans?

Just wondering if anybody out there is still into CTA, ELP, DC5, ISB, EWF, ELO, AWB, PS&G, MC5, QSM, BTO, CSN&Y, SHF, WB&L, GMF, TYA, CC&R, AC/DC or FYC? Back in the day when bands were bands.
Would love to get my hands on early, early Bob Seger 2+2
on Cd if anyone has a copy.
Onhwy61-UK publishers Future Publishing have a monthly magazine called Classic Rock.
It features the era and bands you favour,is reasonably well written and covers a decent range of music.
Surely must be traceable in the States-need further info e-mail me.
California Tax Assistance is one of my faves, I also like to kick back with some Electric Leprosy Project or illio secal balve, effeminate losers organization, Authoritarian Workers Billboard, Portable Scissors and Glue, Quasimoto's Salad Market, Beautiful Teachers Onboard.
I still perfer Jethro Tull, Queen, REO, and some of the better known bands. Personal preference...