Anyone listen to the NPR jazz series cd's?

I was strollng through the salemusic site and found the "I heard it on NPR" cd jazz for blue nights. I ordered it and a John Coltrane/soultrane cd. The recording on the NPR disc is fantastic with artists like Miles,Cannonball Adderley,Patricia Barber, Dianne Reeves and Cassandra Wilson. Look up this site and try this cd if your into jazz. NPR has a site that should have more info on their jazz series.

THere is another NPR station in our area that does play jazz although only in the evening. That is WAMC, 90.3 on your FM dial. Most of the programming though is news and public affairs. The evening and week end programing includes jazz, folk, bluegrass and live music.
I generally listen to WAMC rather than WMHT. I am not much of a classic music fan.

I recently gave away the old analog Denon tuner I had. I have a lot of RF issues since I use a separate DAC and jitter reducer with my digital front end.

In its stead, I bought a Tivoli radio to listen to FM, I usually listen to radio in the background rather than serious listening. The radio is in another room and has a pleasant though not audiophile sound.

Note that some of the news shows such as " All Things Considered", "Morning Edition" and "Weekend Edition" will feature stories on musicians and music of all kinds. Recent stories have included:

A book on Muddy Waters.
An interview with Peter Gabriel.

The additional information has broadened my musical horizons since commercial radio is extremely limiting and has poor quality sound to put it politely.
No. Saw one used recently, but didn't buy it.
I must say that many evenings are spent with Eric In The Evening on WGBH in Boston. With my Magnum Dynalab, or just in the car, his warmth, cheer, and utter musical knowledge continually entertains. Bravo!