ICEpower Digital Switching Amps?

Wondering what brands we have to choose from - especially those
made in the USA?

I know about Red Dragon, Acoustic Reality, Jazz(?)
I believe NuForce is a different technology.

Any obscure brands with the ICEpower module?
Any Pro Audio brands using digital switching?

Thank You
I know, I am repeating myself through various threads, but you guys should remember, there are always lots of new viewers with every "digital" thread. I would love to leave comments to others, but, despite the expanding numbers of comrades in Henry's amps growing, his amps go with no mention, save for mine. I have left the commenting alone, when others step in.

I would love to listen. Just give me a call.

As for changing speakers, I had Sound-Labs for more than 15 years and will probably be buried with my Dali Megalines. I don't swap around much as you well know. Better to keep a constant concerted effort in a design that you know can be made to work (and make you happy) and then get it the best it can be.
Muralman1...Capacitors (or inductors) are ideal for filtering high frequency noise, and relatively small values do the job. All power supplies have some capacitance for this purpose. Lower frequency ripple, like 120 and 60 hz are easily tracked and eliminated by a regulated supply.

Actually, noise on the DC does not necessarily appear on the output signal. A feedback loop causes the output to match the input signal, eliminating errors such as PS noise. But the use of feedback is another whole argument.
I didn't read all the responses here, but just look at the responses. They seem to have to generate their own momentum. I could be wrong(since I haven't auditioned any of them), but the Nuforce generates their own momentum by themselves.
Among amps based on newer technology, there is a certain novelty factor with the Nuforce that I think owes to its small size and weight. Same with the Rowland 201s although they are too pricey for many. The eAR Two models have that triangular chassis that contributed to the buzz when first released a few years back.

Sound aside, one feature I greatly appreciate about the H20 series is the ergonomics. Both balanced and unbalanced connections, two sets of binding posts and enough distance between the connectors so that hook-up is not a challenge. Anyone who has wrestled with the 'cave' in the fine sounding eAR amps will appreciate the layout of the H20 connectors. I guess I prefer a larger chassis for this reason even if an amp could be made quite smaller.
