What can you tell me about First Sound pre-amps?

Only recently have heard about these pre-amps. Are they as good as they are made out to be? Is the least expensive model as good as say a R0land Synergy? I live in Seattle and have never heard of this pre-amp so any information would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks in advance, Jerry.

I've owned both, a First Sound Presence Deluxe mkII, and a Joule LA150, albeit at different times. To my ears, it was no contest. The First Sound had better, lively sonics all the way around. I have not heard any 6H30 preamp that I enjoyed, as they always sounded mid-fi and unexciting to me.
I love my Presence Deluxe Mk II, but now im thinking about upgrading probably to the 4.0 with paramount plus upgrade, or maybe the full-monte Paramount II.

Man oh man, it's gonna cost me a pretty penny, but it's only money, right?
1markr- I've got a LA100 MKIII in my system right now and the soundstaging, imaging and bass are a big step up from my Syrah when used with my Joule VZN-80. It is not however, the most dynamic presentation I've heard, but I want to try a new tube set before passing final judgement. Did you ever hear the 100?
Swamp - Sorry, haven't heard the 100. If it's dynamics you want, the the FS has it in spades, as does my current DeHavilland UltraVerve. These are my two favorite preamps. Ended up with the UV for its remote capability and use of 6SN7 tubes which I like for preamps.
I had the First Sound Presence Deluxe MkII at the same time I had the Joule LA100 MkIII. They are polar opposites, but both are excellent pres.

The Joule was a lovely preamp - quiet, easy to use, great soundstage, good bass, rich 'n creamy midrange and smooth highs. It probably made a lot of music sound more beautiful than it is in real life, but that's not always a bad thing. The Joule does need an aftermarket PC to sound its best. I used a TG Audio SLVR which greatly improved punch and dynamics. I also plugged it straight into the wall. While it can initially sound a bit dark in some systems, Jud Barber can help fine tune this pre to one's specific needs and components. It would be just the ticket in some systems.

The FS Presence, OTOH, has terrific PRAT - some of the best dynamics I've ever heard on a tubed pre - coupled with high resolution and powerful bass. For me however, the ergonomics were awkward (the dual attenuators weren't a problem but permanent umbilical to the outboard power supply was and the unit was HEAVY as hell). It could also sound...I dunno...a bit lean or lacking in tonal color/texture, and not as nearly as dimensional as I would like with a tubed preamp. Mr. Go has since provided an upgrade which I believe addresses these issues.

I kept neither of the Joule nor the FS, settling instead on the tubed Herron VTSP-1. I LOVE this preamp. It possesses every bit as much dynamics as the FS Presence with much greater tonal color, plus it has the delicacy of the Joule. The 3D imaging is a kick. The Herron is more realistic than "lush "(although it's not in the least lean or etched.) It's "sound" is hard to describe...it just sounds like music to me, very "alive", drawing me into the performacne every time. Natural, neutral but not bland. I'm done shopping for preamps, unless I get Keith's new version with the remote and phase switch.

First Sound makes outstanding preamps, but I'd also highly recommend the Herrons to anyone auditioning in this price range. (The VTSP-1 fetches around $2100 here used.)