SETs vs. Push/Pull

Say, people! I've been a tube guy for about 22 years and an SET guy for 7. Am seriously thinking of selling my Air Tight 300B and getting a P/P with more power. Anyone done this and if so, how are things going? Any suggestions for replacement amps that can compete musically with SETs?
Look at the Canary line of 300B p-p amps. I'm using a CA-339 right now on a pair ot Coincident Total Victories, and it's a much better amp to my ears than the SETs I've been using, including the Wavelength Triton Blue, the deHavilland Aries 845G and a KR 18 BSI. There's no loss of musicality, but big gains in transparency, resolution and dynamics. Their smaller (and cheaper) CA-330 probably would have done just as well.
I tend to agree with Edle. I think you need to keep the amp / passive preamp (etc) and consider different speakers.
Damn...I love these speakers. Any suggestions for something that won't create headaches or screech (like horns and many single driver jobs) or sound diffuse and thin (like the Cain & Cain Abbey and some Coincident Techs I've heard)? Or maybe I've just not heard them under good conditions. Any help would be appreciated!!
IMHO, speaker is the voice of the entire audio system. Its characteristic contributes more to the final result than from an amp. It will be very difficult to find another speaker that matches well with the Air Tight and sound similar to the Proac. So if you love the Proac, I think you should keep it and try to find a different amp unless you are tire of it and want to try something different.