Accuphase voltage conversion 110/120 to 230 VAC

I'm planning to buy a Accuphase A-50V or A-60 and a DP-67.
However they are very expensive in Europe and I'm thinking to buy one in the US or maybe in Japan.
Do anyone know if it is possible to convert a Japanese or US model from 100/120 VAC to 230 internally using a switch/ moving some cables, or are they entirely different models with different power supplyes?
Can the Japanese and US models run at 50 HZ?
You may think about buying from Hongkong - much cheaper than in Europe. Hongkong uses 220V/50Hz, which should work without any modification.
Uli's idea is probably the easiest solution. Another solution would be to buy a 50Hz unit from Japan and get it switched from 110 to 230 volt in Europe (should be relatively easy/cheap) as Japan uses both 50Hz and 60Hz units (depending on which side of the Fuji River you live on).

FWIW, I have asked Accuphase (the company itself in Yokohama, not a foreign distributor) the same question before on behalf of a friend. IF you own it in Japan for more than 6 months, Accuphase will change it themselves at little or no charge, which, if also practiced abroad (and I would see no reason for it not to be), would suggest buying used from a very nice seller willing to jump through an additional hoop for you the buyer.
I just bought an Accuphase DP 67 from Audio-cubes. It's an 100V version. They give you a voltage-transformer for free.
Overhere ( Holland ) we have 230/240v. I have never seen an Accuphase from the inside but i am planning on changing the voltage myself. HOW ??? I will have to find that out myself. Or do you know how to do it ??
I will keep you posted. The player comes in next week ( i hope !)
The simple answer is "yes" with most models. I have the DP-75V, the C-275 and the A-50. All these I have opened and checked the wiring. In five minutes anybody who has seen cables can do the change but you need to change the fuse, too, which is even easier. I live in Japan, but will move back to Europe next year and plan to take the Accuphase gear with me. I actually own a PS-500, too, so I decided to buy a transformer (240v to 100v).
If you want photos of the cabling contact me:

[email protected]

I believe most if not all Accuphases feature Japanese-, US- and European-voltage secondaries. A case in point is the Accuphase DP70 (see the last picture on the Chinese webpage:
) You can see the voltage sticker on this older Accuphase CD player. However, I was told that the latest Accuphases don't come with the voltage sticker anymore.