JM lab Electr 926 speakers good pre amp&amplifier

Hello! every one,
just bought these speakers,need to get rest of the gear debating about separates(outlaw 950/1077) or Denon recievers now 3803(for time being& upgrade later).any suggestions are appreciated.
No suggestions on the amp. But iof you don't mind, I am curious did you consider the 936 as well as the 926 and what drove your decision? Also what were the runners up in your buying decision? Reason for asking is I am considering the 926/936 myself. By the way I'll be using a McIntosh amp.
I settled for 926 because (1)it was a package deal for 5.1 system (2) the show room dint have any 936 for demo.
(and i loved 926 any way)
The 926 is a excellent speaker for the price.I used tube Conrad Johnson with mine.
Hmmmm...I heard the 926 (in a showroom, I admit! However, this was a dedicated room with just the 926 & the associated electronics & 2 chairs) with a ClearAudio Champion Level 1 TT, McCormack RLD & McCormack DNA-125 & all StraightWire interconnects & speaker cables (I cannot remember the exact models but it looked like they were from their level 2 or level 3 selections).
I found the 926 to be very fast, light on the bass & mid-bass hence it appeared to be mid & high freq. emphasized. Overall, it was a very modern/hi-fi sounding speaker. It couldn't draw me into the music -it had great, clean sound but was devoid of any emotion or soul. Maybe it wasn't fully broken in? However, I have read a # of people complain about the Electra series having thin bass. Maybe these are good qualities for a HT setup? Maybe the 926 needs some tubes upstream to tame it?
I have the 926's with a Rotel 1066 PrePro and the 1095 Amp
playing an Audio Aero Prima 24/192 CD player. I have plenty of base and it sounds quite good to me.
However, when I was using an Onkyo 70 watt per channel
HT receiver, I did not. My dealer advised me that these
speakers need at least 100 high current watts. Try to find an amp that will double the wattage as the ohms are cut in half, ie 100 watts at 8 ohms and 200 watts at 4 ohms.
When I upgraded to the Rotel gear, it was as if I had taken a blanket off of my speakers. I had more dynamics,
clarity, detail and extension on both ends. There was also a vast improvement when I upgraded to the Prima CD from
a Nad 541i. I have found that the 926's respond very well
to upgrades.
Be careful of the power ratings of HT receivers. They can
be dubious at times.
Try to find a local dealer that will let you take a demo
home to test in your system. It is the only way to be sure.
If you can't, then buy used. At least then you should be able to get most or all of your money back on a resale if
it doesn't work for you.
Good luck and enjoy the hunt!