How Do I Start Playing With the Big Boys and Girls

I've been into all kinds of music for 40+ years. Until now I haven't done anything to upgrade my equipment since 1985. I'm not interested in how loud I can go but how sonicly pure I can attain. What amp and pre-amp should I be looking at to power some Sonus Faber Signum speakers, which are bookshelf in size but big in sound? I'm also using a Linn Sondek LP12 turntable. I'd love to go into the tube amps (McIntosh for example), but I am overwhelmed with the choices and different power specifications.
The speakers are fine and I do not think you need to change them out just now. They will hold their own for some time to come. You will want an amp with a minimum of 50 wpc given the speaker and room size. Your budget gives you lots of options. Rouge as you mentioned. Cary, CJ and Manley. What type of music do you listen to? This will help narrow the field for the amps.
Cellorover's asks about yr musical tastes. This is important.If you listen to classical/jazz (i.e., lots of acoustic instruments) I can indicate certain products that match very well with the SF speaker line/sound.
Please note that this is NOT exhaustive, there are many excellent products out there (& your ears are the ultimate decision-maker) -- but these electronics have been used to demonstrate SF speakers (used, within your budget):
*YBA Passion (ss; integrated or separates)
*Jadis integrated (tube; the separates are very expensive)
*Symphonic Line integrated (ss; various models, the smaller ones will drive the Signums, but the bigger & more expensive ones are much better).
*Spectral (ss; difficult to find within yr budget -- but not impossible)

Many, many other choices. Your speakers are very "euphonic", lush, & musical. They like amps that offer lots of detail, speed, and control. Cheers
For Sogood and Crazy: JCBach maybe doesn't want to be in "hi-fi heaven," he just might want "music heaven?"
Yes Eldragon, "music heaven" would be terrific to live with considering I'm a music educator and my high school band occasionally sounds like the opposite of music heaven. To answer Cellorover and Gregm, my music interests are very eclectic, from classical, jazz, rock, world, techno, etc. but I would say the focus is jazz and classical first. When one suggests they are into clasical though, isn't that misleading, as there are so many forms and styles? I'm thinking that the Gymnopedies for piano by Erik Satie would demand something different from the equipment than the last dance movement of The Firebird Suite by Igor Stravinsky or even The Blue Danube by Johann Strauss, as examples. Is there equipment in the area of amps that is known for being able to reproduce and handle the wide variety of sonic demands that classical music puts upon the ear? Thanks again for all the input.
Eldragon: Not sure what you're getting at, but I was really just trying to suggest to JCBACH that his search for the right equipment is more complex than ss vs. tube (or maybe you don't like the PS Audio product?); there will be surprises along the way. The bottom line is that each of us must make our own choices based on listening, and it's a good idea to do that by first casting off any prejudices such as ss=better bass, tube=detail, more $=better sound.