What Would You Do?

What would YOU do? I'm not satisfied with my current system but I'm ready to jump off this bandwagon with something I like. Right now I have a McIntosh MA6500 (not the glorified MA6900) integrated amp, Tannoy D500 speakers, old Tandberg tuner and an Arcam CD92 cdp. Something doesn't work and I'm pretty sure it's the Arcam cdp because I briefly ran it through a splendid CI Audio DAC and it was much improved (I just sold this because I love simplicity, but I did love it). I bought the McIntosh for biased reasosn (I loved them as a kid so when it came time to get a real system I went Mc, even after auditioning many amps) as well as the Tandberg tuner (I could not afford a Tandberg receiver as a kid). This system plays in a large Craftsman style room with lots of beautiful original wood, but rugs and furniture help soak up the soundwaves.

My office system sounds better: Rega Brio with Rega Planet cdp and Soliloquy 5.0 speakers. I love the sound of the Rega cdps so I'm opting for a Jupiter cdp for my main system. I've heard them both and the Jupiter is that much better.

Here's my thinking: Monarchy SM70 Pro with an FTAudio passsive preamp (with the Jupiter). Why? Because I like supporting small entrepreneurs and both of these products have impressed me. I already ahve the FT Audio preamp thinking I would use it in a different set up. But this adds the complexity seperates

Or: Sim Audio Moon I-5. I love this integrated amp too (but the industrial design is another story) and it's a tad better than the...

Magnum Dynalab MD-208 receiver which sounds wonderful and has a great tuner (I DO listen to FM radio) (and the design is beautiful), but my god, I came all this way and got another receiver? Simplicity. This and a Jupiter would be simple and beautiful.

I love my Tannoys right now so those are staying. I could also, I suppose, upgrade to the McIntosh MA6900 with its sweet, warm sound.

I would like to keep this equipment for a while, but would probably like to leave room for upgrading in the future so I can have fun again the future.

By the way, I highly recommend Aimee Mann's Bachelor No. 2 which has provided background for this message.

What would YOU do? I appreciate the wise words of this community. Thanks.
Stehno - I have to ask you a question. On many threads, you suggest to people they try the Odyssey products yet you have also posted that you've never heard them. This doesn't make sense to me. What's up? ...I'm just curious.

How can you post things like, "Or better yet, check out the Odyssey Stratos amp and Tempest preamp. Each sells for $1k and comes with a 20 year warranty. And you would probably have to spend thousands more to even come close to the sonics and power of the Odyssey's."

"...check out the Odyssey Stratos amp at odysseyaudio.com. You'll see some excellent reviews on this amp at their website. amp is fast and powerful, very highly rated and comes with a 20 year warranty."

And another - this is the one where you proclaim you've never actually heard the amp, "Check out the $995 Odyssey Stratos amp reviews at odysseyaudio.com. I've not heard this amp, but from what all others say, it should blow away any other amp near this price range."
To follow up on Bwhite's questions to Stehno, have you ever heard the Mac 6500 Stehno? I have read nothing but good from happy owners. I have heard this amp in the store a year or so ago and it sounded pretty nice to me.

This is where some replies to Audiogon can be frustrating, I suppose that's why we need the masses, to keep us all in check.

Let me be clear, I am not saying this person wouldn't be happier with another amp setup, but I would surely compare first before getting rid of it; my post is more questioning Stehno's comments against the Mac.
Smith likes the Tannoys, the Tandberg & his Mc, so let's see what our collective wisdom can come up with keeping (most/all) of these items. I, for one, would opt for a used cdp -- the likes of Audio Aero, Electro, the small Lurne... maybe even a Linn. Some of these cdp's can work linked directly to the amp -- but you have a passive anyway, so no problem there.
I'd then look into cabling, PC's, and speaker (re)placement. Then, I'd *consider* upgrading the Mc...
Good luck!
Bwhite, you wont believe it, but most of the posters on the a-gon haven't audition most of the 'gear' they recommend for someone else. I noticed that some unlike 'heroes' of the A-gon even make up the stories about 'gear' that have never heard, never mind own. Stehno went ahead and said up front, that he never heard Odyssey electronics, just read about it. That confession alone, makes him honest and credible Audiogon member. cheers!
You know, there is an important point being made here. I would like to think that anyone who makes any buy/sell recommendations involving audio gear that can cost someone else many $'s should always, without exception, mention that they have not heard such gear if that is the case. I have read 100's of posts over the last year because audio gear interests me for whatever crazy reason, and except in a few cases would not have realized what Eldragon stated above about people giving opinions on equipment they have not heard.