Memorial Day

Want to take time to thank all active military and veterans, and especially the families who have lost love ones, and let you know our thoughts, and prayers, are with you. We cannot possibly thank you enough.
As always, I and my family have the highest respect and the deepest gratitude for all who have served, and on this day remember their sacrifices, as well as the sacrifices made by their families, so that we can be free.
In a way, you might have paid the greatest tribute to those who have served... by simply demonstrating exactly that which so many of our bravest have died for - the right to be, speak and write like an ass.

There’s a time and a place, and this wasn’t it.
My children who are members of the local Civil Air Patrol worked at the military cemetery at our local Arsenal today. God bless all who fell before.
Phaelon - freedom of speech its all part of the constipation (as you lovingly
quoted above: "We The Sheep") - suck it and see
Hey Notec,

Regardless of our beliefs, mores, and folkways, and the incredibly wide divergence in those, whether pro or anti military, pro or anti religious, what drives them and how it's mutated through the years, been commodified, commercialized, spun and used, try, oh try to keep it civil.

You'd be surprised at how many probably agree with some of your views but your approach to all of this is heavy handed and out of line.

Tolerance of your views demands tolerance of others. Try not to be so impulsive. Edit, re-edit and do what I do when it seems to be too strong a retort: delete it.

All the best,