the meaning of the word "better"

thr word better is frequently used when comparing the sound of components.

yet, it leads to ambiguity when there is no statement of the specifics as to why one component is better than another.

aside from the obvious connotation that better entails a subjective perception, the termm leads to ambiguity when used by itself.

i would hope that in the future when the word better is used in the context of comparing components, the user will explain what he /she means by "better".
To me better applies to how real or realistic the music sounds. Go to a concert in a small venue and listen. Go to an outdoor concert with drums and band and listen. Then listen to similar sound in your home. Is is even close? Do you get the dynamics of a snare drum that you heard outside? how real is the sound coming out of your system? When doing an A/B listening comparison, that is my focus.
