What do you feel?

A friend who caught a bit of the audio bug from me asked me what I felt when I listened to music. I was taken back by the question because I didn’t know. I told him that I was relaxed when I listened to music. I didn’t think that was a good answer but I couldn’t think of any other. After a few days I came to the conclusion that I what I often feel is a sense of gratitude when I listened to music. I feel gratitude to be hearing the performance so well. It is if I was rich and had the best musicians in the past and present to perform at my pleasure.

What do you feel?

Simply put, I could not live without it. I quite agree with Rosemary Harris' character in the Ralph Fiennes movie Sunshine, who says "But you cannot live without being able to play a musical instrument!"
I find listening to be kind of like a "runner's high." A feeling of stimulation, relaxed concentration, and focus. And (usually) some degree of mood elevation.

Contrary to what Mr. T describes (which I'm sure is true in many cases), I can't listen to music within an hour or two of retiring for the night, or I'll feel too stimulated to fall asleep.

-- Al
I feel engaged or I feel nothing, really, at all. Without it there is nothing to appreciate, to get my toes tapping, to lull me to la la land, to tickle my brain.
Without engagement, there is no honeymoon.
Something between the itching of a severe case of shingles and being being bitten by hundreds of Alaskan giant mosquitoes....

At other times it is likewearing a body cast of mustard plaster.. With tons of red ants crawling around inside of it

What kind of music are you listening to? Have you shared this response with your therapist?