What do you feel?

A friend who caught a bit of the audio bug from me asked me what I felt when I listened to music. I was taken back by the question because I didn’t know. I told him that I was relaxed when I listened to music. I didn’t think that was a good answer but I couldn’t think of any other. After a few days I came to the conclusion that I what I often feel is a sense of gratitude when I listened to music. I feel gratitude to be hearing the performance so well. It is if I was rich and had the best musicians in the past and present to perform at my pleasure.

What do you feel?


Showing 1 response by learsfool

Simply put, I could not live without it. I quite agree with Rosemary Harris' character in the Ralph Fiennes movie Sunshine, who says "But you cannot live without being able to play a musical instrument!"