Are the CD'S days numbered?

Ford will no longer put CD players in new cars. Are they going the way of cassette and 8 track?
I think CD is going away...but it is a good medium (though clearly not the best), and is widely available (relative to SACD, blu-ray, DVD-a) for music. My suggestion? I like having a hard copy of music anyway...and when i can go to Amazon and buy nearly anything i want for 3 bucks...i am going to keep doing it til they run out...years from now. and then i can always transfer it to hard drive.

meanwhile, i am going to wait on trying to do high-res because there does not appear to be much available at this time. (certainly not in comparison to CDs). BTW, have you ever bought a CD for 3 bucks, and the lower-res mp3 version was 9 bucks? seems a bit silly.
This topic reappears fairly often. CDs are so very plentiful and relatively cheap. Couple that with the availability of many excellent redbook players, I think they`ll be around a good while.
"CD"? Yes they are. And did you hear about the new format they are launching next month? It's called "MN". They did not want the new format's days to number so fast. Hence they decided to skip "EF", "GH", "IJ" and "KL" :-)