What's the funniest song you ever heard?

This isn't misunderstood lyrics, but the actual lyrics that were funny. There have been artists who made a living writing humorous stuff like Spike Jones, or Ray Stevens to name a few, but the funniest song I have ever heard might have been "Pretty Smart on My Part" by Phil Ochs.

What's tickled your funnybone?

Showing 3 responses by aggielaw

Somebody did a song about Gary Hart right after it got out that he slept with...an intern? I can't remember who. I'm told John Denver did the song at some concerts, and a lady was nice enough to send me a tape of it, which I've long since lost. Anyway, HILARIOUS song!!

If anyone happens to know where I can find it, I'd be both amazed and appreciative!

Did some research - looks like Cross wrote it, but the only performance I've heard is Bowers'. I'll have to see if Cross actually sang it, too, and see if I can (legally) download it! :)