what replaced your Aerial 7B speakers?

Looking to upgrade from the Aerial 7B. Would like to have just a little more bottom end. No, I don't want to try a sub. My room is 13 x 16. I have a Bat vk 500 and a Mac 2500 pre. My max budget would probably be $4500.
Yeah, if you're happy with everything and just want an improvement in bass, if I were you I'd get a good sub and some kind of integration device.  Something like an SVS SB2000 sub and DSpeaker anti-mode 2.0 will get you full-range, quality bass nicely integrated with your room and speakers for not too much $$$. 

To get better bass without sacrificing other areas you may need to spend a little more.  The first thing that popped into mind was Joseph Audio Perspectives...

Or maybe Vandy Quattros, but they'll be above your price range too.  Best of luck. 

Or better yet, the sub to match with a pair of 7B’s... the AA SW12 maybe.
Or better yet, the sub to match with a pair of 7B’s... the AA SW12 maybe. With your size of room you may not get the bottom end you’re looking for regardless of what speaker you try. You’re room is 16’ deep so you’re going to probably be around 35hz, so not sure you’re going to get in the low to mid 20’s. You’re 7B’s can hit 35hz. I don’t think it’s the speakers but speaker placement, working on room treatment and your room size to begin with. 
My original question asked what speaker replaced your Aerial 7B speakers. I'm looking to replace mine and was simply looking for suggestions I might not be aware of. All of a sudden it went to speaker stands. I'm not going to buy speaker stands when my goal is to buy other speakers. A sub is not the way I really want to proceed. thanks for all the input.
My demo of the 7b was fast, tight  and accurate, but neutral in the bass, actually bass never brought attention to itself. I'm currently enjoying Usher Dancers. Warmer than the Aeriels but still very accurate speakers. I see the Aeriel 9 coming up around $4500 so why not grab the next pair of those which are certain to deliver much more weight. I agree with you when it comes to stereo I don't think subs can be integrated into a system successfully either. Another option might be room correction offered by multiple companies now could work.