What power cord with the Cambridge Audio 840C?

I just thought I whould start a thread to see what other people's experience with aftermarket power cables has been on this player? I have only tried a couple of budget cords to date- a Tube Audio Design "Iron Lung Jellyfish" cord, and a MAC (My Audio Cables) "Source" Sound Pipe. Both are nice for their price point/value, but as always, I want to squeeze a little more out of the player. To be honest, I never actually hooked the player up with the stock cord. Not looking to break the bank here- $300.00 or under new or used. I value overall transparency and top end frequency extension/air over anything else. The rest of my system consists of System Audio SA2K monitor speakers, Speltz anti cable speaker cabling and IC's, and a Manley Stingray integrated. Thanks in advance for your comments and suggestions.

I had excellent results with the Signal Cable Magic Digital Reference Power Cord when I owned the 840c.
It was also very inexpensive.
Audience PowerCord...after trying Zu Bok, AZ Tsunami, NBS Signature. Of course, your results may vary. Somebody...please give me the definition of synergy AGAIN?
Just stick with what you have. It's a power chord used to deliver a few milliamps for goodness sake!
Signal Digital Reference - excellent value, excellent power cord. Do the math - is a $300+ power cord going to give you 4 to 5X the performance compared to the Signal? Simple answer IMHO I think it works very well with this player.
I would NOT recommend a Shiva: it is a very nice cord, but lacks "flesh on the bones." At the very least, one needs a Vishnu, but even this is not enough, I think. Having had all the Nordost cords, I opted for Shunyata power cords for the lower noise flower (Valhalla WILL have a lower noise floor than a Python Alpha: not so sure about the Phython Alpha Helix). The Shunyatas have considerably more tonal color, are dynamic and music sounds like itself, instead of a skeleton of such.
I'm sure there are other contenders, but be careful NOT to use the power cord to compensate for flaws in your system. You will never have a truly balanced system if you go that route.
Try the van den Hul Mainsserver power cord, approximately $350.00. Better hurry, prices are going to increase soon!
I'm using the AZ Tsunami Plus because it allows the 840c to sound a shade more harmonious and natural sounding, but I doubt that it does anything to improve transparency and top end frequency extension and air. I'm using a Melody tube amp and Zu speakers.