Upcoming Technics SP-10R (100th Anniversary Model)

Ok GAE owners, now you can sell your turntables, because upcoming Technics 100th Anniversary model will be a new version of the reference SP-10mk3 and they call it SP-10R. Finally!


"Berlin, Germany (30 August 2017) – Technics has today announced the launch of the Reference Class SP-10R, its most premium analogue, direct drive turntable to date, which is anticipated to hit the market in early summer 2018. The news comes as Technics unveils a prototype of the new, cutting-edge turntable with the world’s top-level* S/N (signal-to-noise) ratio and rotational stability for the first time at this year’s IFA."

"Reference Class Turntable Promising Outstanding Results

The SP-10R features a brand new, coreless direct drive motor which, in addition to the two-sided rotor drive system that was used in the SL-1200G, boasts stator coils on both sides of the rotor, for a more powerful and accurate sound."

"The heavy platter features a three-layer structure consisting of brass, aluminum die-cast and deadening rubber, just like the platter of the SL-1200G. By optimising the natural frequency of each layer, external vibrations are thoroughly suppressed resulting in a beautifully clear and crisp audio experience."

"The SP-10R also features a new ultra-low-noise switching power supply, which, compared to a power supply unit using a transformer, is better at suppressing unwanted humming sounds and vibrations. The power supply unit is separate from the main turntable, preventing unwelcome noise from being transmitted to the turntable unit, for a sharper and clearer sound."






P.S. Should we expect $15 000 or more ? And the new plinth comin soon?

Power supply looks funny, but the design of the drive is great, i think we should wait for the new version of the EPA-100 soon. Good news the GAE was not the last turntable !!!


Showing 50 responses by chakster

Amazing, if the GAE was just a first step and the next step in 2018 is Reference SP-10R with new Plinth and new Tonearm, i think new Cartridge from Technics is not a fantasy. I was sceptical about GAE, but now i see they are serious and gonna hit the High-End market with something we could only dream about (not so long ago). I don’t think they will pass on the cartridge releasing reference turntable, tonearm etc. Must be a giant killer! Sure shot from Matsushita! It’s a good way to celebrate 100th Anniversary.


I was impressed not only by this new SP-10R, but also by the skills of the Michiko Ogawa (Director of Technics Project Panasonic Corporation) when she's on the grand piano https://youtu.be/XRLz6Z6nTNw

"Michiko Ogawa is responsible for the growth strategies of the audio business within the Home Entertainment Business Division of the Appliances Company, Panasonic.

Ogawa began her career at the Matsushita Electric Industrial Company – later Panasonic Corporation - in 1986, having graduated from the Science and Technology Department at Keio University, Japan.

In the early years of her career, Ogawa was part of the team within the Acoustic Research Laboratory that planned, researched and developed technologies for the commercialisation of audio equipment. She was instrumental in developing the world’s first ultra-slim, large-diaphragm speaker, the Technics AFP1000 in 1988.

In addition to her career achievements, Ogawa is also a key figure on the classical jazz scene in Japan. She began studying classical piano at the age of three and learned jazz by listening to records that her father played. At university she formed a jazz band and in 1993, she resumed performing as a solo jazz pianist. She has played at highly prestigious events, most recently with the Kansai Philharmonic Orchestra in Osaka. Ms Ogawa has released a total of 14 CDs.

Combining her love of music and complementary knowledge of acoustics and technology, Ogawa is currently Director of the Technics project in the Home Entertainment Business Division of Panasonic.

@atmasphere i have not seen their new plinth for SP-10R, have you seen it? Links? 

There must be upgraded EPA-100 or something similar for reference model. 

But yes, the old plinth is not good for "12 tonearms, even "9 arms are not always an option (not all of them). 

No problem with the Technics EPA-100 as you can see on my old picture, but some true "9 inch tonearms are impossible to mount because the spindle to pivot distance is too short and the mouting hole must be too close to the SP-10mk2 metal frame. For example i can't mount my NOS Sony PUA-1600S for this reason. I'm much more comfortable with "12inch tonearms on my teak wook plinth (which is much wider than obsidian plinth). The compromise is my Reed 3P "12 inch for example, so everything depends on the mounting distance of the particular tonearm (and the position of the mouning platform of the arm, the shape of it, etc). 
I've seen those ugly modern SME and other short tonearms moved toward the senter, but it's definitely not what i would love to see on my Technics turntables. Aesthetics is always important for me, not just the sound and for this reason i don't like obsidian plinth with its limitations and design (if the tonearm is not EPA). And i agree that round tunrtable drive would be easier to use whatever tonearm on any good looking plinth, but the Technics is a classic in its original form. For this reason i've bought Luxman PD-444 to swap the tonearms, nothing can beat it in terms of usability (imo). 
Dear All
Don’t forget that it will be 100 YEAR ANNIVERSARY REFERENCE CLASS MODEL from Technics, not just a serial model for mass market. It’s hard to believe that such model will cost less than 15k, probably higher. Maybe lower class model also will be available (who knows).
@inna I saw Nakamichi Dragon still makes $1500-2000 on auctions, i think i was in high school when there were available from local pioneer dealer for astronomic price in the early 90s. My own cassete deck was pioneer from the same dealer, still got it. Even cassette tapes cost a lot today.
@inna i got reel to reel recorder from my gradfather, i’d love to stick to the R2R tapes, but it’s impossible to find the recordings of my favorite bands, i can’t even imagine how i can find any tapes if it’s not mainstream bands and even vinyl is rare? Only if i could drive with reel to reel recorder to fellow collectors to copy their rare vinyl to my blank tapes, lol.

@lewm the shipping alone cost $22-25 for an LP from USA to Europe, everything was cheaper 10-15 years ago. I wish i could buy all my favorite 60s/70s Jazz, Funk, Soul, Latin LPs and 45s in the late 90s when it was $1-15 in set sales dealers faxed to their customers (but i was too young and in the wrong place), nowadays some rare records i’ve bought 5-7 years ago for $50 cost $500, time to sell some. But still plenty of very good records (original pressings) available for $5, but not in the local stores, so i have to add shipping cost. I know many record collectors worldwide, people with the rarest records never pay attention to equipmet at all, they can play $1000 record on worn needle (the cheapest) forever. Those rare vinyl can be VG condition, nobody cares. At the same time the musical "taste" of many audiophiles does not impress me at all.
Anyone can share the drawings of the custom made tonearm pods for Technics EPA-500 or EPA-100mk2 tonearms?  
It depens on the musical taste, i like so called "black music", recorded and pressed in the USA in the 60s/70s, not in Europe. Shipping is $23-25 for 1 LP even if the record cost $10. Anyway, i pay for what i like. But taking shipping in count just prove that there are no more cheap records if they are not around the corner in the local recordshop or on the record fair, but they just don't have what i like. This is what my post is all about. Records that i like cost much less in the USA and prices for rare original pressings are getting higher every year on auctions (and they are not reissued). But this is just my situation with music that i like, can be different for those who're in the different music.     
I use teak wood, but for those who’re not stick to one turntable and one tonearm this pod is an option. Practically it’s good, i’m curious about tonearm pod for my Victor TT-101, but it is an option for those who concerned about new SP-10R plinth. Can’t remember who else used that toneam pod, i think i saw it on the system page on a’gon. Would be nice to check the drawings of this construction.

Hope to hear from Raul soon.
I wonder, how many owners of the Technics EPA-100 mk2 tonearm we got here ?

Most likely it was the best Technics tonearm, it was the most expensive tonearm made by Technics, it seems to have the best materials such as metal pipe alloy of Boron and Titanium, and some of the best features such as the lowest bearing friction, dynamic damping, vta on the fly. The EPA-100Mk2 may have a slightly higher standard of machining than previous versions. The choice of metals and way of making the armtube was an improvement. Technics EPA-100Mk2 was introduced in 1982 with TOTL SP-10Mk3 turntable. Matched with Technics TOTL cartridge EPC-100Mk4. The SP-10Mk2A was brought out in 1983. The EPA-100Mk2 was made at a time when Japanese manufacturers were going all out to extend the reach of what was possible.

Let me add Raul's quotes below, he's one of the owner that i know: 

Over the last 30 years I don't know any single tonearm design that could beat " vintage " tonearms designs like Micro Seiki MAX 282, Technics EPA 100MK2, Audiocraft AC3300, Lustre GST 801... 

Technics EPA 100 MK2: Its unique variable dynamic damping shows the creativeness on the tonearm design along with an extremly stable 4-point gimbal employing ruby ball bearings with a friction of less than 3mg for movement in any direction and the use a metal pipe alloy of boron and titanium. Extremly hard to beat. -Raul

I can’t speak for MK2, but the original EPA-100 was fine for several MC cartridge i’ve been using for a few years: AT-ART2000, Zyx Airy III and Zyx Premium 4D (7.9gm with silver base) . The headshell was original Technics and later Zyx Live-18.

You are right if the cartridge is heavy, but i agree that MM cartridges might be better option for this tonearm. I would use it with MM carts with pleasure.
Happy New Year to everybody.

Updated information from Technics regarding the prices for Sp-10R and SL-1000R with a new plinth below:

1) The price for the SP-10R alone has been confirmed as $10000

2) SL-1000R aka SP-10R with New Plitnh will cost $20000
The plinth is 531mm wide and 399mm deep with 30mm-thick aluminium top plate. It brings the overall weight of the SL-1000R up to 40.2kg (including the 18.2kg of the SP-10R).






p.s. the shape of the plinth and armboard from the top view reminds me so called Lead Console Grandee-S from the 70s. To be honest i'm not impressed by the design again :(   

The image with 3 tonearms is actually a 3D model, not a photo. 
Even 2 tonearms is too much for this design, but 3 of them on some side brackets looks very strange. It's all because of the square chassis. 


Oh, it’s real :) Thanks for the video, so it is a rubber and alluminum. And those new armboards can be screwed to the old sp10 series too. I was more impressed by what’s the guy showed to Fremer on his iPad in this video (after 17:00).

Probably my EPA-100 mk2 can be used with that new machined armboard.

@nandric you can buy the new dust cover with this plinth just for $10000 now
EPA-100 tonearm was made for SP-10 mk II
EPA-100 MK II was made for SP-10 mk III 

The difference between the SP-10mk2 and SP-10mk3 is huge. 

The difference between an old EPA-100 and upgraded EPA-100 mkII for Technics flagship turntable must be huge too. Otherwise there would be no need to change the arm for SP-10mk3 

Any thoughts? 

... it just happened that the MkIII and the EPA100 MkII were introduced contemporaneously, or nearly so.

EPA-100mkII tonearm and SP-10mk3 turntable were introduced in 1982 together. This limited edition tonearm was made for SL1000mk3 combo in 1982. http://audio-heritage.jp/TECHNICS/player/sl-1000mk3.html

Any other Technics high-end tonearms, including EPA-100 and all variations of the EPA-500 and EPA-250, were introduced in 1976-1979. 

So the world premiere of the best tonearm Technics ever made was in 1982 along with their best turntable ever made (SP-10mk3).

The price for EPA-100 in 1976 was 60 000 Yen (same for EPA-250)

Price for EPA-500 in 1979 was nearly the same, 65000 Yen. 

But the price for EPA-100 mkII in 1982 was 130 000 Yen 
That was an extremely expensive tonearm! 

That's why i think there must be serious advantages of the limited edition EPA-100mk2 over the previous EPA-100 and EPA-250/500. 

In 1983 Technics introduced their P100c mk4 MM cartridge

... and this amazing SL1000mk3D combo: 

In color it looks much better:
google translate from this japanese page:

"Universal tone arm which adopted the world's first Boron Titanium pipe arm, boron aluminum head shell. The world's first Boron Titanium pipe with a boron diffusion layer formed inside by creating a boron layer on the surface of a metal Titanium which is lightweight and has a large mechanical strength and elastic modulus by special generation method is adopted as the arm pipe part doing. This increases mechanical strength and reduces harmful partial resonance such as bending and twisting and designs sound quality emphasis. In addition, we adopted boron aluminum which combined refining of boron fiber and aluminum for the head shell part, realizing high rigidity and weight reduction. For the tone arm, we adopt a high sensitivity gimbal suspension bearing structure.  Rolyballs with extremely small coefficient of friction, about 1/3 of the wheel, are used for horizontal and vertical bearing bearings, totaling 20 stones, achieving a minimum initial sensitivity of 5 mg.

I adopt original brake variable variable dynamic damping method.
In this method, the movable weight part in the balance weight is supported by a spring with high strength and damping effect, and mass of the movable weight is divided by mass using its compliance. Furthermore, the spring support part is covered with a damping cylinder, silicon oil is built in it, and the effect of damping of the spring support part is enhanced by viscous drag. As a result, the low-frequency resonance peak (sharpness Q) has dramatically improved.

Furthermore, taking into consideration the fact that this low frequency resonance frequency varies depending on the compliance and weight of the cartridge to be used, in order to brush more effectively, the magnetic damping adjustment function is carried. This is a structure in which two magnets are provided in the movable weight portion and the resonance frequency of the movable weight portion is changed by changing the distance between the two magnets, whereby a low-frequency resonance peak (sharpness Q), reduce frequency impedance, reduce low-frequency mechanical impedance, reduce intermodulation distortion due to warping of records and ultra low-frequency noise to improve the performance of the cartridge and improve the trace performance I will.
In addition, it enables high fidelity, high SN ratio playback, and improves the blocking performance of external vibration.

The precision 12-degree helicoid structure zinc die casting arm height adjustment function is carried and the arm height can be adjusted within the range of 20 mm. "

I have this EPA-100 mkII tonearm, but i need to modify my luxman armboard to mount it, i'm looking forward. 

Sold my original EPA-100 long time ago, so i can't compare them unfortunately.  
Raul, i just tried to say that EPA-MKII was not available before the release of SP-10MK3 turntable and SL1000mk3 combo, until 1982. After anyone is free to use the arm on whatever turntable, they are paired very well (aesthetically) with a rare black SP-20 from 1976 btw. But in general is was a pinnacle of the Technics design, the last tonearm for their best turntable in the 80s, before they are wiped away with CD era. 

Dear @chakster : The MK3 was realeased in 1981 and the MK2 tonearm in 1982.

Both release in 1982 accdodring to this japanese site:
1) SP10mk3 (released in 1982, price 250000 Yen)
2) EPA-100 mk2 (released in 1982, price 130000 Yen) http://audio-heritage.jp/TECHNICS/etc/epa-100mk2.html


Have you compared the EPA100 to the EPA100 mk2, side by side, using the same cartridge on the same turntable in both cases?

No, i sold my EPA-100 to buy Reed 3p "12 long time ago, now i have EPA-100 MK II which was more than double in price when it was released in Japan in the 80s (compared to the original EPA-100 from 1976). Is that just for Boron finish? it must be more precisely tonearm, the price even in Japan is $2500 (in the rest of the world is about $4000), when the EPA-100 can be found in Japan for $600 (and for $1200 anywhere else along with EPA250 and EPA500 for the same price).
here is the video of this monster with multiply tonearms

and this is another video from agalog planet

Reed 3p "12 would be a great match to this deck, the stock arm looks too cheap for such expensive turntable, still hard to get rid of the SL1200mk2 memories when i look at this tonearm :( 

We have more Technics SP-10 mkIII on the used market, more than ever in Japan. People start selling them, i've never seen so many used MK III before, amazing. I wish i could find one myself for reasonable price, hope the price will drop down soon. 

So what's the reason? Was it beaten by the new SP10R? 
I knew the mkII was beaten, but what about mk III ?   
Here is a nice Technics turntable i have put together for a friend.
NOS SP-20 turntable, Teak wood plinth, Victor UA-7045 tonearm, AT20SLa cartridge on Stax SH-7 headshell, and SAEC SS-300 mat.
UK prices for the SL-1000R is about 40k quids
and for the SP-10R it’s about 8k quids
not 100% confirmed

Must be available in June 2018 according to the audio interview with Technics representative.Here is a nice article and great pictures of the SL1000R and Sp-10R from Bristol’s Sound & Vision Show.

And finally i can see a nice picture of the SL-1000R tonearm.

Also for the SL1200GAE owners here is a aftermarket armboards from Ammonite Audio
Now when we have G and GR available worldwide i'd like to get back to the comparison between these models. The GR is more than affordable, damn, i even start thinking myself about it, but only if i will sell my fully modded/upgraded pair of the old SL1210 mkII.

Anyway, someone commented that the different between the G and GR is not huge, which makes GR a better choice for the money ($1700-1800 in USA?). Would be nice if people who tried both can comment.  

Here is all info about G

And everything about SL1200GR (black version is SL1210GR): 

Good news:
Brand new plinth for Technis SP-10R will be released in the summer 2018 by Acoustand (UK). This one is much nicer than previous plinth from acoustand.

The price is £1599.99

Soon To Be Released Is Acoustands New Delrinium Plinth For The New Technics SP-10R And Older SP-10 Mk2 And Mk3 Turntables.

5 Layer Massive Construction Premium Plinth With 25mm Solid Aluminium Top Layer, 35mm Middle Delrin Layer And 25mm Solid Billet Alloy Bottom Layer Specially Designed With Sound Deadening Traps, Solid Billet Alloy Arm Boards And Heavy Grade Large Billet Alloy Feet Amongst Other Features Yet To Be Announced.

The Different Materials Are Used In Specific Areas To Elimate And Absorb Resonance. We Use Alloys Mostly In The Construction As It Has Great Acoustic Qualities And Any Internal Resonances Are Unheard By Human Ears. Every Separate Part Of The Plinth Is Rigidly Connected To Allow Resonances That Are Wanted And Unwanted To Be Dispersed Equally And Effectively.

The Plinth Will Be Supplied With One Armboard And When Ordering Please Let Us Know What Tonearm/S You Wish To Use.

Spare Arm Boards Are Available From The Drop Down Menu, If Your Tonearm Type Is Not Listed Then Choose "Custom" From The Drop Down Menu And Tell Us Which Type Tonearm You Would Like It To Be Cut For In The Comments Box On The Order Form.

Weight Of Plinth Approx 60lb

Find more: https://www.acoustand.co.uk/collections/acoustand-technics-sp10-series-plinths/products/acoustand-te...

I think we are all have multiply tonearms, so the SP-10R is a better option. No need to compare Reference tuntable to the lover G version, of course SP-10R must be superb. Also i think Technics fans already managed some nice pliths years ago (some people paid up 5K for their plinth), it’s a good idea just to replace the drive.

Comparison of an old SP-10mkII and SL1200G or GR is interesting as much as the direct comparison between SP-10 mkIII and SP-10R.

As i said earlier the SP-10 mkIII is getting more afordable, people are selling them, especially in Japan.

I’m looking forward @jpjones3318 conclussion after he will be able to make A/B test of his babies.
@lewm  nice, please check them all and let us know what you think about all new models. 
Tonearm on SL1000R is "10.5
Tonearm on SL1200G is "9
both arms are magnesium 

the cheaper version of the arm on GR is aluminum
In Tokyo, the price difference between a used SP-10 mkIII and new SP-10R is already 300 000 Yen (about $2800), i’m sure this gap will be bigger in time. More SP-10 MKIII will be available for sale for lower prices. I have no idea about the service rates to calibrate them etc.

But what i really would like to know is how good is the SP-10R compared to SP-10 mkIII. Someone should make honest A/B test, hope it will be @jpjones3318 soon.

I don’t care about dealers opinion, buyers are always fascinated about new toys too.
Everybody are hypnotized now by Technics, but we need a honest comparison.

@lewm what about TT-101 ? Is that amongst your top-3 ?
Dear @nkonor i assume $2800 price difference between SP-10 MKIII and SP-10R is not the big deal for you, right ? Especially if the difference between old and new model is so little in terms of sound and not audible as suggested by Lew (who has not yet compared those models). 

May i ask you, do you have SP-10mk III or SP10R ? 

The nature of audiophilia is constant upgrade, i have never seen so many SP-10 mkIII for sale ever in my life. The reason is that people would love to upgrade to SP-10R. 
@lewm the price drop for SP-10MK3 makes this model a bit more affordable for us (normal people), you should not worry about it simply because you already have mk3 and i guess you are not gonna sell it. I already sold my SP-10mk2, so when it comes to Technics i can only think about mk3 or those new models, but SP-10R is not affordable for me. 

But as you know i have two Victor TT-101, maybe i don't need Technics at all. Maybe it's more reasonable to invest in Victor to service them. 

Still too many questions about this and that. You are the one who has Technics and Victor. Our JP is another person with both of them and also SP-10R. 

Chakster, Is that Grace HS6 a current product or another piece of vintage art?

It’s vintage, but very nice carbon fiber headshell

In the stores that had salesmen who spoke any English (a rarity), I inquired about pricing on the SP10R. No one is willing to discount it at this point...

I’m not sure about that stores in Japan, but in every big electronic stores worldwide a tourist/foreigner can buy gear without paying TAX (VAT) if the goods will be exported from the country, some special paper works required from that big stores, in Europe they call it Global Tax free. You pay tax, but showing the papers and goods at the airport at Global Tax Free points you get your tax back in cash. Pretty good system: http://www.globalblue.com/tax-free-shopping/japan/ 

BTW This is latest Reed 5T tonearm you’re talking about:

@totem395 why not share the link so we could read about it ?

Our man Pani prefered SP-10mkII over the SL1200G (upgraded).

Now you said JP prefered old Technics over the SP10R ?
I’d like to read his comment about Victor TT-101 versus SP10R

People are raving about SL1200G and even about GR, because most of them never tried/used Technics turntables before. Each day we can read post how good is the SL1200G, but i start thinking that people never experienced the oustanding build quality of Technics (made in japan) and the power of Direct Drive. I am a bit sceptical as i’ve been using Technics tunrtables for 22 years and got bored of the signature design of all SL models (old and new).

As far as i know it’s still impossible to find a proper review of the fully upgraded/tweaked old SL1210mkII and SL1200G or GR.

@lewm I hope so, but i’m talking about upgraded / tweaked SL1210 mkII which is much better than the original. While the SL1200GR is not as good as the more expensive G model.

I am awaiting for the review from people who can compare them side by side.

The fact that Pani prefer SP-10mkII over his brand new SL1200G makes me even less optimistic about GR models. I was thinking to replace my 22 years old (pair) of upgraded SL1210 mkII with SL1200GR, but i doubt that GR can compete with my reference turntables. Maybe it's a bad idea. 

I prefer my Luxman PD-444 over the SP-10mkII


But they do not want to be named for obvious reasons.

I can’t see any reason to hide important information from the readers, this forum is about contribution, but surely it’s subjective. One day we will see this test of top old and top new Technics. I hope.

Yet nother plinth you may like for $8k made of Cast Iron by OMA

If Cast Iron is good material for the plinth then i can make as many as i like with my local guys, but my own design. In the summer a good friend of mine made a replical of mid 50’s decor element for my balcony. It was made of Cast Iron too. This is one of the cheapest material locally. I’ve been using my iron pot for years to cook indian food, we all cook better if we cooking with gas :)
@phaser you should try an original Micro Seiki CU-500 gunmetal mat on Technics. It’s much thicker and much heavier than CU-180. Also extremely rare compared to CU-180. I don’t have Technics anymore, but still have CU-500, sadly it’s too heavy for my Luxman PD-444. The quality of gunmetal that japanese used to make CU-500 is unbeatable. The size of CU-500 is spot on for Technics SP-10mkIII and MKII. Simply amazing. I don’t think any modern mats can compete with the Micro Seiki CU-500 (2.8 kg, gunmetal).

At the moment i’m using lighter CU-180 on my Luxman and love it. Best mats in my opinion!

SAEC SS-300 is cheaper alternative, this is the 3rd mat in my rating after CU-500 and CU-180. But SAEC is more universal for any turntables, even for belt drive, because of its lightweight..
Ok, there is a NEW MODEL of Technics turntable announced on the official website: Technics SL1210 mk7 

They won't stop! 
There you go .... 


Technics Introduces the New, Long-awaited Direct Drive Turntable SL-1200MK7* Series with Technology for Outstanding Sound Quality

*The European model is the SL-1210MK7.*

January 2019

simply the black version

They are not black, it’s a classic technics color for 1210 index, one of the GR is same color.

This new SL1210 mk7 will be available in silver too. I think mk7 must be cheaper as it is primary targeted for deejays.

Omg... upcoming SL1500C !!!
How about this one?! LoL

The Technics SL-1000R is $18000.00 
The SL-1200G is a bargain at $3995.00

The Technics SL-1000R is finally in our store...Who's the lucky one ?

Sunny Components Inc, USA
We shall be displaying the new 1000 Technics Turntable at the Los Angeles Audio Show this Summer.

hello, could you let us know the prices for two brand new models released in 2019?  

1) SL1210 mk7
2) SL1500c