Tube or SS for Sonus Faber Amati Homage

I just acquired a pair of Amati Homage, much more efficient than my previous speakers. I have a Pass X-350 which will drive just about anything, but I actually like the "distortion" of tubes and would love to own tubes again. How much power is needed to drive the Amati? Dealer told me Amati works better with SS because Sonus Faber usually underdamps bass and needs SS to control the low end. I also heard Amati makes best sound with single ended like BAT VK-75SE or Nagra? Who is right and what do you use?

I have a Sonic Frontiers Line 3 SE, I am inclined to use Power 2 or Power 3 to get better synergy or will I be better off using something else?

Showing 1 response by audio999

With all my respect to Chris i really agree with Jtin.
Berning ZH-270 is a good amp for the money,but not or still too far to be the best one.