Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Showing 14 responses by linnlingo

The person responsible for designing the "New" Thiels was Mark Mason formerly at PSB  he left over a year ago. Could the new wireless speakers be made and designed by an outside company that allowed Thiel to badge the product w/their logo??
I'm losing count I think this is CEO Number 4. Anyone have the over/under on how long She'll last?? Wireless speakers sounds exciting. The exact direction Jim Thiel would have taken the company.
The new CEO makes 5 in 4 years. Apparently the focus will be on the Aurora lifestyle speakers. An upscale Bose. Go to Strata.Gee,Com and type in thiel where you can get a in depth interview w/the new CEO. I think the theme song they should stream over the new lifestyle speakers is Taps. 

Wow did not notice that. None of the speakers have any description at all. Who in their right mind would drop $4-$7K on just a photo. These folks truly have no clue.
The one person that understood Jim Thiel's designs was Gary Dayton. He worked very closely w /Jim Thiel during his illness. When the new administration came in Gary was one of the first to go. He's doing very well w/Bryston.
Pretty shaky ground we have here. Relying on one lone man in Kentucky to keep the Thiel legacy afloat, Sadly just a matter of time. Go to the Thiel Facebook page and click into some of the videos. That will give you some insight where they are going. Also feel free to leave a comment.

I’m curious how many 3.7’s Thiels were built before closing down their production line. 
Went to the new Thiel web site and they are now only offering 2 speakers. The Aurora Tour $599 and the Aurora Home $899. Nothing else on the Shop section. The Mark Mason designs are no longer listed.
There is a Thiel Smart Sub on E-Bay. The late Jim Thiel built them for his speakers. Heard them years ago. They are the perfect solution. 
Prof if you go to and go to the Thiel closing article at the bottom of the comments section you'll read who bought the Thiel Sub Integrator.
Just because a company goes under doesn’t mean they can’t be fixed. A friend of mine owns some Snell speakers and kits are still available to still maintain them. In my case I still own 2 Threshold 50 amps and a Forte 6 amp. I have local techs that have maintained them over the years. One great thing about Jim Thiel speakers you can get them for pennies on the dollar now. I’m sure someone will fix these speakers when this pseudo-Thiel company goes under. Merry Christmas!!
Check out the interview on today. Great interview w/Rob Gillum. The company will be called the Coherent Source Service Center. They will also work on restoring cabinets too. Excellent article.
The Thiel website has expired. How are we going to get our Aurora wireless speakers???