The urge to tinker is awash. What TT might better mine and why?

Just my normal fidgetitus kicking in!
Will start by saying I am extremely happy with my present TT and cart combo but always curious as to other options.
So I guess looking for opinions on what could be better and why?
How much more would I need to spend to better what I have now?

Presently running Nottingham Analog Spacedeck cw Spacearm.
Cartridge is ZYX RS30mk2.
Phonostage is Goldnote PH-10.
I’d like to upgrade from my stupid Pro-Ject table. I chose to donate to specific charities though.

money well spent. 

Have been reading up on the dp80 and it is certainly highly regarded from my perusal.

However the majority of the ones I see for sale are Japanese market at 100v.

Any detriment to running one of these with a 120 to 100v step down transformer?

I am sure someone else must have done this with Japanese market equipment 

... the dp80 and it is certainly highly regarded ... the majority of the ones I see for sale are Japanese market at 100v. Any detriment to running one of these with a 120 to 100v step down transformer?
I am not sure that Denon ever made a 120VAC DP-80. When I bought mine new (from a US authorized dealer) it was delivered with a Denon-branded stepdown transformer.
It would be quite a boring world and not much of an adventure if we all followed that admittedly sage advice.

Fortunately I am inclined to explore and tinker, it's my nature.

that is true as well
I have a rega RP8 which I love ..... it’s not better than yours prob worse - but just leaves me wrapped in music hearing everything. But my only experience is coming from older Thorens 160super / sme/ nagaoka 500 which had no where near the clarity of Rega. 
I would spend it on records if I was you ....