Spiking speakers not designed for spikes?

Has anyone had good luck doing this?  I have some PSB Stratus Golds from 1994 that I'm having problems upgrading, so I'm going to try tweaking what I have.  They have these cheesy, wooden bases that I'm nervous about removing or drilling into.  If I do decide to spike these suckers, would anyone recommend outriggers?  Or trying to attach spikes directly to the speakers.
Thank you for your time!

Showing 2 responses by jkuc

@bdp24 , you have used/tested both, Townshend seismic pods and Isoacoustic products I believe. Which one is more effective, which one would you recommend under a DIY platform that's placed on the floor?

Thx  bdp24. Gaia seems to be topic of the day and has a very good press. Reviews is just advertising / promotion stuff though.