Sanity check on new system?

I'm looking to piece together my first system that is looking like it'll have the following components:

TT: VPI Classic 3 
Cartridge:  Ortofon Cadenza Bronze
Pre: Mcintosh MP100
Amp: Mcintosh MC275
Speakers: B&W Diamond 805 D3

As the title states, I'm looking for a sanity check on this setup.  Any concerns I should be aware of?

Thanks in advance...
Thank you for the feedback. As far as not being state of the art - what would be the best bang for the buck to change? In selecting these components I have gone for for a balance between modern components (805 D3, MP100) with high quality vintage components (VPI Classic3, MC275). Speaker and pre-amp technology seems to be the most rapidly changing/updating so I chose recently released components whereas amp and turntable technology seems more stable/slower moving so I'm planning on going with some "classics" there.
That is a big first system step. I am a big proponent of buy right or buy twice, that said, what is your goal of this setup? What size room? What style music? What do you enjoy most about listening to music?
I haven't heard the 803s, but from everything I've read, it seems they perform best with high power. My KT88 Cayin amp was modeled after the MC275 and has similar power. I don't think I'd want to pair it with B&W 803s, but if you already own the 275, won't hurt to try it. 

It's best if you can manage to audition gear somewhere, especially speakers, as they will have the greatest influence on your system's performance. You might discover you don't like B&W.
Mc's can be bright, so can B&W's.

I would listen to the combo first. :) 

Also, when you get it, learn about room acoustics. From floor rugs, to pillows on the floor and thick curtains, all can help your system come up a few notches. A good room acoustically is much more speaker friendly.
