Replacement for Shindo

Shindo closed down and i cannot find a Montille amplifier.   is there any amp comparable to Shindo?







Canor is 100% opposite of anything Shindo - not like-sounding & with a totally different audio philosophy. Very nice gear, yes, but in no way similar on any level

@viridian my company manufacturers audio components.  Point-to-point wired, best parts quality, etc.  Our preamp is currently at Audio Connection in NJ. Call and ask John Rutan his opinion on it.  Soon we will have our products on demonstration there as well for all to hear. 

+1 for Aric Audio. Give Aric Kimball a call, he's a great guy to talk to and will be honest with his opinions; and builds extraordinary equipment. Not sure how it compares to the Shindo equipment, but I've never seen a negative review on any of his stuff.....and hundreds of positive. I did tons of research, and ended up buying his Motherlode XL preamp based on that and several conversations with him

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