Quicksilver V4 or 120 mono's with planars.

Hi All,
Had these on my wish list for years, seriously considering these for my GTA3R planar/ribbon speakers.
Anyone using these amps with planar speakers ?

Don't know about the pairing with planar speakers but am very impressed with my Quicksilver Mono 120s with the KT 150 upgrade that I purchased new in October of 2017, replacing a pair of VTLs that were out of my price range to replace and powering a pair of Wilson Audio Sophias. Good luck and If nothing else call Mike Sanders(I believe that's his name) with Quicksilver Audio and ask him or go to their website and shoot him an email.
Hi just FYI..I run new kt150 Quicksilver V4’s with magnepan 20.7s...no problem driving them in a medium size room and probably the best sound I ever got from the Maggie’s...I even had bryston 28sst2 monos for a few years on them and the quicksilver just sound right..of course you probably won’t get to concert decibel levels like with the bryston’s But who really listens that loud all the time...just my opinion
Quicksilver amps are awesome....build quality is top notxh, nuilt like a tank... customer service is among the best ive ever encountered....    I have a pair of Mid Monos and they are awesome little amps.  You can not go wrong with Quicksilver
@gnjtack @tooblue @youngstown1969 @oddiofyl

Resurrecting an old QS/Planar thread, helping a friend with QS Mono 60s who’s trying various ribbon and maybe planars soon too. Any Quad or Magnepan 1.7 or others... 

-what "planar" speakers did you end up, if any, years later?