Please help fill in the blanks...

Username says it all. Thinking about about Thiel CS2.4 or Vandersteen 3A Signature. Also thinking about Jolida JD 100A as source. Any recommendations on tube preamp and SS amp? Budget range for the two pieces would be around $4K to $6K. I listen to a wide variety of music and will occasionally listen at elevated levels, but not very often. I have a couple of decent "shoebox" shaped rooms as well, although they're hardwoods and drywall. There seems to be so much to choose from and I don't think I have the time or patience to listen to it all, even if it was available for listening in my area. I just don't want to make any mistakes by "incorrectly" assembling a system. Seems to be enough expeience here to help me avoid catastrophic blunders.

How are my choices so far?

Your rug should work quite well. What you are trying to do is to reduce high frequency reflections from the floor. You should also plan to have some type of dispursive/difussion materiels on the 1st reflection points on your side walls, the wall behind your listening position and (unless you get panel speakers which is an intirely new ball game) the wall behind the speakers. Bookcases filled with books, plants, wall hangings etc work well and IMHO are not as ugly as stuff designed for audiophiles. What are the dimensions of your room - where do you think you want to have your speakers placed and listening position located? Limitations in this area could effect the speaker type/make descision. FWIW, room acoustics and speaker type are far more important than the make of your speakers and the electronic's. Put on the reading spec's and start looking into room acoustics. The end result will be more than well worth the effort. Forgive the sermon.
If you didn't like the 2Cesigs, you probably will not go for the 3Asigs. There is a definate family sound, although the 3As are much more of everything (and very satisfying IMO), and with the right upstream components are not "too laid back" as some would say. However, Vandys can sound good w/lots of different electronics, while some say that Thiels are "ruthlessly revealing".
I have owned thiel cs2.4s for six years and can verify that they are "ruthlessly revealing". I drive mine with a bat tube preamp and krell amp. Neither was cheap. If your budget is only 4-6k you might want to consider a more forgiving pair of speakers. Just giving you a heads up, they can sound awesome but plan to spend some serious money on a ss amp.
I would take a look at the dunlavy sc4's that are listed;these are a world class speaker worth considering and sounds great with either ss or tube power.
I had scIII's driven by roland model 6 and cary slam 100 monoblocks;they performed equally as well with either amp.
I would think the dunlavy's would outperform the theils across the board and maybe easier to select which power to drive them and have more options as well.