Options besides the PS Audio Powerplants

Yes, PS Audio has revolutionized the plc market. But what about other aletrnatives such as MIT Z series or AudioPower wedges. These units can be had cheaply on the used market or should I just save my pennies for the PS Audio?

Showing 2 responses by rcprince

I've had Tice, power wedges, MIT Z Stabilzer and the Seakay Line Rover (which I still use). None of these made nearly as much of a difference as the Power Plant, in my view.
Abruce: Interesting, because I've got some very effective power cords (Full Spectrum) and find that the PS Audio helps with them, rather than hinders. I acknowledge that top notch power cords can be a significant improvement, but ya gotta factor in the cost if you've got a lot of components. The PS Audio is a cost-effective component in that situation.