Oppo as a pre/pro

I am seeking information from anyone who has real world experience using the Oppo 105D as a pre/pro . Discussions with tech support have stated that there 'may' be volume control issues as well as noise in the circuitry that can not be alleviated by changing out the volume control unit itself .
I would like to use the Oppo directly into a Rotel 1095 amp .

Thank You

Showing 1 response by elevick

I didn't like the volume on the oppo. It worked and the sound was ok but it was very hard to make volume adjustments on the fly. Even buying a creek makes it easier.
Also, remember that many pre-amps will have some gain to their system. The oppo does not. You may end up using a lot more of the power amp to compensate which leads to many other issues.

Mikirob, I like your use of snarky! Personally I would have use the male body part to describe his posts...