One dedicated circuit for each mono block?

If I have a dedicated 20 amp Circuit is that ok for two monoblocs? I read that a separate dedicated line is better for each amplifier. So the outlet can't have two plugs but it's better to not use one of the two plugs when connecting a mono block?

I have a transparent Power isolator which I know use to plug amps into.

So maybe a dedicated circuit can be used to plug amps directly into and then have Power isolator connected to a separate Circuit for everything else.

I am trying to evaluate the merits and to need for getting a second dedicated line while installing the first.


Your power isolator is probably undoing all the good that your dedicated line is doing.

I have 2 circuits in my dedicated line.  But I don't have monoblocks and I don't anticpate a use for the second circuit other than to put junk on that I don't want on my audiophile line.


I would plug both monoblocks into one dedicated circuit directly into wall outlet. Iewould use conditioner on other circuit for other equipmen. I believe this is as you were saying.

I have one 20 amp circuit feeding my Saturn 103C power conditioner. I also plugged a 20 amp SR orange fuse in it. From there both of my Sugden Mono blocks plug into the power conditioner. The sound is articulate crystal clean and ZERO NOISE...