NAD C355BEE Owners - Advice Needed

One of my friend who purchased a used unit few months ago noticed from the user manual that there are links provided together with the amp that shall be connected between the Main-in and Pre-out sockets in normal use. The links were not found in the box when he got the amp.

The question is do the links really need to be connected between these sockets at all times even when they are not in use? How do these links look like? Are these a metal connector or a piece of short wire?

For users of the C355BEE, the user manual page 8 item no. 12(Pre-Out 2) and item no. 13(Main In) states "In normal use, these should be connected to the Main-In sockets/Pre Out 2 Sockets WITH THE LINKS SUPPLIED".

I have sent an email enquiry to NAD but have not got any response from them. Personally I reckon there wouldn't be any issue without the links but just wanted to be sure. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by jay_w

It's likely that the previous owner was using the NAD as a preamp or a power amp along with another component or used the outs to wire a sub woofer. One would have to remove these links in order to take advantage of this great feature the NAD offers. If you are using the unit as an integrated amp you do need these links. I am surprised NAD does not offer replacements at a reasonable price! The other links perviously mentioned all will work well but are a little costly.