Michigan - Any Interest?

If you are a Audiophile or Audio Enthusiasts in Michigan, leave a post stating your location, whereby those in your area can contact you if desired.

This hobby is more fun with others to share and compare with!

I live near Kalamazoo, which is a little less than an hour south of Grand Rapids.
I responded a couple months ago also. It appears that there are several interested, but it apears a ringleader is needed to actually organize something and take the next step. Any volunteers? I live in Hemlock and would be interested in getting together once in awhile. Listening to others systems, music taste, and of course I would be willing to do the same. I sort of got out of the 2 channel for abit and went strictly home theater, but in the past 6 months I have been putting a system back together again.
Still interested. I am in SW (Stevensville) MI and can attend or host.
Yes it seems we need a ringleader. I am willing to help. Since we are all spread out I guess it may come down to how far people are willing to drive.

Anyone interested should reply to this thread as it is rather old.
Anyone going to AKfest09?
I will be at AKFest '09 this year along with a couple other friends. if it is like last year, it should be lots of fun..
Email me if your anywhere near The west coast of Mich. I am interested in starting a club.We need to get our email addresses to each other, Here's mine.Let us [email protected]
I will be at the Akfest 09.
This will be the first time for me at this event, I hope its good.
Perhaps we should have a spot at this event to meet /register people from the area to form a club.