Looking for something to play?

I'm always looking looking for something new to play make my system shine....there is a musician called Justin Johnson who is a phenomenal string guitarist who has a few albums out...l bought a few of his cd's..they were a little pricey but worth it.....he can tell a story with a guitar...he makes my 2 channel system sound fabulous...just putting ot out there,thanks


These are all great suggestions....sharing these ideas is how you can find the "good stuff"  l would like to keep the list going by adding Bonnie Raitt...lm not particularly a country person but her voice is phenomenal..lm an instant fan....use your best midrange speakers and listen to the nick of time album...

Try some older Jesse Cook like the Vertigo album.  Some of the best acoustic guitar out there.

I've been a little lost in modern Cello music lately, like that by Julia Kent and Zoe Keating.  Try some of this:

I like that idea. I have wanted to write down the reviewers demo tracks but have been lazy around that

I am starting to record them now. 

I will check those out tonight, thanks..When l go from room to room at Axpona l ask and write down what the big boys are demoing....great suggestions from audiogoners also....when l have company over l have a several set lists written down for a great demo....

Cosmic hippo...  Tested my sub purchase with that,  definitely a smile maker! Thanks for the Justin Johnson tip I will check him out. Along the same vein looking for new tunes,  I came across Karen Elson last week. Former super model,  singer songwriter. Excellent song production,  smoky voice.  Makes ribbon tweeters happy

I listened to flight of the cosmic hippo...and cranked it..yes the pictures were rattling....l  probably will buy it...its good music...thanks!

A bit different but if you want to hear what your system can do resolving low frequencies play Flight of the Cosmic Hippo by Bela Fleck. It will put a smile on your face. 

That was a good song....his album "if the walls could talk" is a good blend of his talent....sounds really good on a resolving system....

I continue to be smitten by Natalie Cole's "Unforgettable...With Love," her tribute to her dad (grandad?) Nat's hits. On Qobuz. Lush. Beautifully recorded.