Isolation device under Ayre CX-7e?

I was wondering if anyone places the isolation device such as Vibrapod or maple wood board under Ayre CX-7e? What's your opinion?

I put my CX-7e on top of a maple wood board and then on top of 4 Vibrapod last night. THe soundstage was bigger, but the high is kind of echoeing. When i took them out, then the sound is clearer but soundstage was smaller. I just want to get some opinions or suggestions from experts here.

Thanks for reading.

Showing 3 responses by daemon


Ayre recomment:
Ayre Myrtle Wood Blocks

The Arye cd-player is heavy on the left side Ayre recomments to blocks under the tranformer (the heavy side)

Buy a gravestone put 3 sorbortane feet on it, to at front, one at the end and then put the Arye cd-player on it. The soundstage Will be very big, the dynamik too.

Take the led of it´s alu, it´s rings, buy sorbortane plates put them inside the led, sides, button.

I had the Arye Cx 7 e home for tre days, after a short while i got tired too, I moved it around, on the carpet, on sorbortane feet, diffent cables, power leed, at last I gave it back to the dealer. Thinks the problem is that the transport is cheap (computer transport), its alu that the case is made off, No absorbing of noise (look inside). Use my Stax elektrostatic earphone, the problem whas here to, It whas the player not my set up, use power leed and cables, and diffent feet too. Dit not help at all.

Kindy regarts

That why i send it back to the dealer, the hign whas edgy, or harsh sometimes, talk to Arye said that it cut be the player, or i shut use Myrtel books, or it whas not "burn in" it was, it was the demo use in set op for the dealer round the world, or it dosent fit in the set op.
