I noticed their web site never got going, now it is gone. Anyone know if they are still in business?

Showing 1 response by mdorsam

About 6 months ago I purchased a full HT array from XLO. The short story goes that my B&W N802s have an odd connection that the Cable Company got wrong, so my cables from XLO were wrong, as well.

I ended-up getting GREAT Service from XLO's inside Sales people, received a call from their President (Gees, that was nice), and was GIVEN special connections that XLO had under development.

With all of this, I was trading out the top-of-the-line Monster Cable for the XLO, my listening level went from
-30db to -40db, just due to the XLO clarity.

I asked the president, in general, were his products being valued within the marketplace. He indicated that things were going very well (I believe him, the way he said it).

Long Live XLO!