Is Accuphase E450 and Dynaudio C1 a good match?

Looking for a new integrated for my Dynaudio C1. CDP is an Accuphase. Thanks

Showing 2 responses by xti16

I'm not familiar with accuphase but reading the specs it should be fine. I have learned over the years specs don't mean much regarding how something sounds. I recently replaced my Bryston B100 for an Octave V70Se tube integrated and my C1's sound so much better. Best if you can either bring your speakers in for a demo or better yet ask for an in-home demo and that way you will know for sure.
Forgot to mention that Dynaudio is the North American distributor for Octave products. I got my V70Se just before the RMAF and Dynaudio had a V70Se set up with the C1's and Wadia cdp.