Integration of JM Lab SW900 and Micro Utopia Be

I currently own a pair of Electra 926. I tought that upgrading to a pair of Micro Utopia Be and one Electra SW900 will give more refinement on the medium hight, having the subwoofer taking care of the bottom end. However not sure if these speakers will seamless integrate. I listen mostly to acoustic jazz, so really refinement and full range is important. Any experience?

Showing 1 response by warrenh

The Micros were one of the speakers I auditioned extensively before making my choice to buy the Harmonic Precision Caravelles. The Micros are amazing. I listened to them for over a half hour before I decided to listen with the sub. Wanted to hear what they could do, solo. They require a sub, and they sounded beautiful. Seamless, indeed! They (Singersound) were using a Rel sub, but other subs will work as well, if not better. The Micros were, hands down, the best darn monitors I ever heard, 'til the Caravelles. The Caravelles? They went tete a tete with the Jmlabs Altos, and held their own. That was truly amazing. If you go with the Micros, I'm sure you'll be one happy audiophool. The Micros are not, however, the quintessential monitor. They are the quintessence in price, though. peace, warren