IMHO (and friend's) opinion of acrylic platter

Hello all...

In my quest to tweak my system for a better possible sound...  

I have gone through the latest item for review, inspection and opinion. I picked up an acrylic platter for my Dual 1219 with a Grado Platinum 1.  

Going in, I was highly skeptical and my skepticism was aligned with a myriad of opinions out their on the net. Such as snake oil, yes, no and every variable opinion possible wedged within.  A discussion happens...yet, not quite like when someone asks about "cables".

I set out to give the best subjective platform for the "test".  I called in a friend of 38 years...who is a musician who is gifted with perfect pitch...and not saddled with tinnitus, like me. He is also a luthier as as well...who knows, on a retail, musical and technical level, the best sound possible...and what to listen for...and how.

I set the volume at a reasonable level, placed him in the sweet spot 'tween the to his left. I sought  an album we were both very familiar of the most sonically perfect and best produced albums ever... Steely Dan's "Aja".

We started without the platter for "Black Cow".  We sitting respectfully poised, solemn, quiet and with bowed heads carefully and methodically listened and took in as much musical and sonic information our minds and ears could handle.

When done...I asked him to step away...not wanting his to see what I was going to do...I placed the acrylic platter on...and set every up as before.

I started it again.  5 seconds in...we both had an opinion...and we needed to vocalize it... YES...there was a difference and we agreed there was a bit more bass and it was a bit more defined. We listened through the second spinning (with platter) pass at "Black Cow"...and we agreed there WAS indeed a difference.

So...trying to give the situation the best chance to prove us wrong...I sent him away again...removed the platter...ands ran through "Black Cow" a third time.  A scientific  "A-B-A" test.  At he end of the third spin...we were confirmed...  I showed him what the "change" consisted of...and he was very surprised. 

Yes...the platter did administer a subtle, yet still distinct change to the sound.  I didn't want to believe it...but I could not reasonably disagree with what I heard; neither could my friend.

On a technical level...I cannot explain it... Perhaps it was the materials in the platter that affected the relationship between the cartridge, platter, album...with resonance or  I dunno.  Or...since the album is sitting 3mm higher, perhaps it has something to do with the VTA setting...making the stylus' relationship with the groove different...or...more like the VTA when the album was originally "cut" on the "master".

I would enjoy responses...

What a hobby!!

Thank you!


I like my New SR platter mat. It replaces a herbies grungbuster. 
@millercarbon is right, and whoever that dude is that tried to rip him is a tool 
" Sorry, but I'm developing quite a low tolerance for arrogant ignorant wanna-be posers these days. Hope your ego got a nice little shot out of it"

Ha ha ha ha... this made me laugh out loud. He must not have any mirrors in his house! Ha ha ha ... still rolling... Hoo  boy, that was a good one!
MC maybe just leave already rather than wishing for everyone else to get the boot. You will be much happier not having to deal with all us dummies. I’m sure you will find new people to put on your hate list.

Over and out. 
..just my personal experience.   When I got rid of the acrylic platter on my VPI and put on the Classic, metal was as though I removed a blanket from my system.