I’m looking to upgrade my Magnum Dynalab MD106T???

I am wanting to upgrade my Magnum Dynalab MD106T tuner. It must have balanced outputs and doesn’t need to be a tube tuner. My current MD106T sounds nice but I’m wanting to upgrade. Any advice on a nice tuner to upgrade to would be appreciated. My 106T is nice sounding but I wonder what nicer is out there.

Showing 2 responses by yogiboy

In this day and age tuners are slim pickin’s! Very few with balanced outputs are available! Here are two but be prepared to pay a premium price for them!

I doubt very much that the Accuphase would be better. Nowadays there are very few top quality FM broadcasts that would justify paying that much for a tuner. I use a Magnum MD90 with an attic mount yagi type antenna. Save your money, that tuner that you are using is top of the line!