I love my analysis plus but...

Apparently, these Very Expensive cables are actually simple to duplicate and made with relatively inexpensive materials, his video says.

He's up to 2k views, and that's not a small audience.

Thank heavens someone is generous enough to warn the people.



Showing 2 responses by soix

I can’t believe these $2k+ cables don’t even use a Teflon dielectric.  Inexcusable IMHO.  I’ll take my Acoustic Zen Double Barrel shotgun cables over these any day (and I did).  I tried the Oval 8 in my system years ago and found it a bit dull and lifeless, like it needed an infusion of silver in there somewhere so I rejected it just on sound quality/synergy alone.  This video makes me even even happier I let them go.  

@analysisplus The question remains — why at this price level would you not use a Teflon dielectric?  That bothers me greatly.  Can you somehow defend that?