How does one get off the merry-go-round?

I'm interested in hearing from or about music lovers who have dropped out of the audio "hobby." I don't mean you were content with your system for 6 weeks. I mean, you stood pat for a long time, or--even better--you downsized...maybe got rid of your separates and got an integrated.

(I suppose if you did this, you probably aren't reading these forums any more.)

If this sounds like a cry for help, well, I dunno. Not really. I'm just curious. My thoughts have been running to things like integrated amps and small equipment racks and whatnot even as I continue to experiment and upgrade with vigor (I'm taking the room correction plunge, for example.) Just want to hear what people have to say on the subject.

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Showing 3 responses by rockadanny

Two simple rules ...
1. Stop ALL reading of audio gear. No more audio mags or audio internet. Switch to 0% reading and 100% listening. You still wish to read something related to audio? Then stick only to music threads - no gear threads - just music.
2. Never sit to listen critically to others' systems. Sure, go visit and have fun. But don't bring any of your recordings nor play any of the host's which you also have. Therefore, no comparisons will be made, whether conscious or subconscious. And while listening to their system, concentrate on enjoying the music, not the sound.

I am very happy with my set up. BUT, I just read a thread which makes me suspect that my speakers and amps should not match up well. Is it true? Maybe, maybe not. But it got me worrying even though my system sounds great to my ears! Dang it!
Drubin - Unfortunately, no. My dilemma is this: I often pine for listening to my system, but cannot due to restraints or conditions (not home, at work, at home but occupied on line with business, etc.) It is at these times I'll seek out audio related discussions on the internet in my attempt to fill the void of missing music played on my system (as there is where it sounds best for me). It never satisfies as a substitute, but its all I have so I keep lurking. Sad case.