As some of you know, I've been praising the EC EMC-1 MkII, and had zeroed it in in my system running with a Discovery Essence XLR to my Aleph P. Lately I upgraded from Red Dawn revII to SPM speaker cables, and the newfound neutrality on transients has me wondering if I should retry a super-neutral SPM XLR on the EMC-1 in comparison to the slightly-warm Essence, or WAIT until I get the latest analog "UP" grade mod next month?
What do those who've had the UP grade have to say about sonic changes BEFORE and AFTER? Should I wait until the mod is done before screwing around with another interconect tweak, or should I establish a before-mod IC comparison and see if it changes after the mod? OK, maybe I have too much time on my hands, or am just an experiment-driven masochist!
Either way, I suppose I'll probably have EITHER a Discovery Essence or SPM XLR for resale in January, eh?
Thanks for the help. Ernie

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